Speculative Insight is a feminist journal, although not every essay will be explicitly feminist in analysis. We are anti racism, transphobia, queerphobia, and ableism. Speculative Insight welcomes essays that present non-dominant perspectives and particularly encourages submissions from people from any and all marginalised groups. We will not publish harmful content; articles may include thoughtful discussion that may cause disagreement.
Speculative Insight is edited and published by Alexandra Pierce. As a lifelong lover of science fiction and fantasy, as well as being passionate about history and science, creating a space for SFF-related nonfiction just made sense. Alexandra co-edited the award-winning anthologies Letters to Tiptree and Luminescent Threads: Connections to Octavia E. Butler (both for Twelfth Planet Press). She was a co-host of the podcast Galactic Suburbia with Alisa Krasnostein and Tansy Rayner Roberts; it ran for a decade and won the 2015 Hugo Award for Best Fancast.
Tehani Croft * Jaunita Landéesse * Amelia Brown * Katharine (thiefofcamorr) * Crystal Huff * Kirsten Campbell * Nike Sulway * Kathryn MacKinnon * Calen Bender * Alison Proietto * Damien Warman & Juliette Woods * Adeline Teoh * Tansy Rayner Roberts * Chris McLaren * Cat Sparks * Micole Sudberg * Alisa Krasnostein * Nina Niskanen * Jemma Pollari * Devin Jeyathurai * Emily D.E. Bell * Spike * Van Ikin * Marian Foster * Scott Kirton * Derek Sweetman * Natalie Haigh * Juliet Marillier * Simone Vukotic *