Pitches now invited (closing February 28)

What we are looking for:

  • essays about specific books, authors, or themes across a number of books;

  • thoughtful, rigorous, and analytical essays (footnotes not compulsory but welcomed); and

  • essays that focus on science fiction and/ or fantasy

what we are not looking for:

  • essays about television, films or comics;

  • an essay entirely about your own work.

how to pitch your idea:

Email editor @ speculativeinsight . com with:

  • the subject line “Pitch for Speculative Insight;”

  • your name;

  • a 150-200 word pitch, explaining your essay’s focus;

  • a brief explanation for why your idea is a fit for Speculative Insight (see this page for further details about the journal); and

  • a statement confirming that writing your pitch did not involve the use of LLM / AI, and that if accepted your essay will likewise not use LLM / AI.

nitty gritty

  • Authors from marginalised and underrepresented groups are particularly welcomed to pitch.

  • Finished essays will be 2000-3000 words in length.

  • Payment is AUD 5c/word up to $150, via PayPal.

  • Deadlines are negotiable.

  • We aim to respond within a month of receiving your pitch.